

This version was saved 17 years, 9 months ago View current version     Page history
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on May 7, 2007 at 1:54:14 pm






Your work will be evaluated based on this rubric.




4: Excellent

3: Good

2: Minimal

1: Inadequate


Very frequent and meaningful contributions Meaningful contributions; More frequent than required Required numbers of postings Less than required numbers of postings

Research skills

Always includes extra information; evidence of connections with outside resources Includes enough information; evidence of some connections with outside resources Includes some information; little evidence of connections with outside resources Includes no information; no evidence of connection with outside resources


Appropriate and very well organized; very imformative to the class Appropriate and well organized; imformative to the class Mostly appropriate; somewhat imformative to the class Hard to understand; many errors and confusing points

Quality of language

Well-designed; use own words; clear, easy to understand; few errors in grammar, vocabulary and spelling Mostly clear; uses primarily own words and some language from sources; some errors in grammar, vocabulary and spelling Approximately half of the work is clear; uses much language directly from sources; patterns of errors in grammar, vocabulary and spelling Hard to understand; uses primarily language directly from sources; many patterns of errors in grammar, vocabulary and spelling


Always on time Mostly on time Sometimes after the due dates Mostly after the due dates

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